Back To School With iSmile Orthodontics!


While many kids are sad to see the summer end, we know many of the parents at our office are excited for the new school year to start! At iSmile Orthodontics, your local White Plains and Yonkers orthodontic practice, we understand the importance of a child’s smile. This is why the doctors and staff at our practice have decided to dedicate a blog post just for back to school oral hygiene tips and tricks!

Getting Your Kids to Brush and Floss Regularly

Parents understand the enduring struggle that can occur each time you try to get your Imagechild to brush and floss his or her teeth. At iSmile Orthodontics, we have found that one of the best ways to promote good oral hygiene is to have your child come with you to the grocery store and pick out his or her very own toothbrush! When a child is proud of his or her own toothbrush that they handpicked themselves, they are more likely to brush when they are asked to.

Try to get your child to brush before he or she goes to school, when they return home from school in the late afternoon, as well as once more before bedtime. It can be difficult to have your child brush after every meal, but by brushing their teeth 2-3 times daily, you are helping them eliminate plaque and food particles that can be built up between meals.

Flossing can be a whole challenge on its own… especially for kids. Having your child floss at least once a day is a great way to promote gum health and remove any plaque and germs that are resting in the tight spaces between their teeth and underneath their braces. Also, try having your child rinse with water or anti-bacterial mouthwash as soon as they are done. By doing so, you are helping your child prevent gum disease and common problems later on as adults.

Make a Fun, Healthy Snack!

At iSmile Orthodontics, we want your child to enjoy healthy snacks that are both fun and orthodontist approved after school! This is why we decided to provide a recipe for a cute after school snack that the kids can help with making! aasdf

Try making these fun and easy grape caterpillars after school one day with your child. All you need to assemble them are green or purple grapes, mini chocolate chips, cream cheese or white icing, and long wooden skewers for kabobs.

The ingredients

To assemble, take anywhere from 6-12 grapes (if you want to make baby caterpillars use 6 or 7) and skewer them horizontally on your kabob. Once all of the grapes are skewered (with the help of an adult) add two dots of vanilla icing or cream cheese and two mini chocolate chips for the center of the eyes. After this, your caterpillar family should be complete! Have fun with this recipe and add your own twist with funny faces or even mustaches on the caterpillars! Your kids are sure to love this snack as well as spending time with you making them!


The final product!

We appreciate you taking the time to read our blog. For more helpful tips and tricks to maintaining great oral hygiene during the school year please contact us at our Yonkers and White Plains orthodontist offices and we would be happy to assist you!

Oil Pulling…Fact or Fiction?

It seems as if the American Dental Association (ADA) is on the fence about this one!


There is a lot of discussion about oil pulling. What is it? What does it do, does it work, is it worth trying, or is it just some “thing” that people used to do over 5000 years ago? However this thing called oil pulling is still practiced today!  Oil pulling is done by putting a tablespoon amount of a chosen oil into the mouth and swishing it around from anywhere from 2-20 min, then spitting it out.  The idea is to remove toxins from the oral cavity.

Now some dental professionals say that there is no need at all for the practice of oil pulling because it does not correct tooth decay etc.  They say there is no evidence of oil pulling being significantly beneficial.  In fact, it may have adverse health effects such as lipoid pneumonia or mineral aspiration.  ADA suggests that oil pulling is NOT recommended as a daily supplementary oral hygienic routine and certainly not a replacement for brushing twice daily with a follow-up use of flossing and Listerine.  Brushing with fluoride toothpaste and flossing is the recommended routine for preventing cavities and other oral issues that may arise.

But lets touch back on the subject of Listerine that the ADA very much so defends! listerine Laboratory experiments have shown concrete evidence of fighting the build up of plaque.  But what about the four essential oils that are used in Listerine?  Thymol, Eucalyptol, methyl salicylate and methonal are all oils.  So when using Listerine, is it not still essentially oil pulling that is happening?  ADA justifies it by saying that its different from using what is commonly used (coconut oil, sesame oil, tea tree) by stating that they are different because they are used in smaller concentrations mixed in an aqueous solution.

Though ADA states that they, “Compared oil pulling to the use of a chlorhexidine rinse, found chlorhexidine to be much more effective in reducing S. mutans levels in plaque and saliva. However, the same study did not look at whether the S. mutans reduction provided the clinical benefit of reducing cavities.”  So can we really throw the idea of oil pulling out the window?

Jessica T. Emery DMD wrote a very interesting article explaining the benefits of oil pulling.  Though it does not reverse certain oral issues, it can certainly serves as a preventative care that can be added to the daily routine.  She explains, “The longer you push and pull the oil through your mouth, the more microbes are pulled free. The oil needs to be swished around long enough for it to turn a milky white, which indicates that the bacteria has been “pulled” off. After roughly 20 minutes the solution is filled with bacteria, viruses and other organisms; at this point, the person spits out the oil and rinses thoroughly with water […] most microorganisms inhabiting the mouth consist of a single cell. Cells are covered with a lipid (fatty) membrane, which is the cell’s skin. When these cells come into contact with oil, “a fat,” they naturally adhere to each other. People use different types of oil such as sesame and sunflower oil, but these oils both have omega 6 fats that are pro-inflammatory, and most of us have too much of these in our diet as it is. Coconut oil is preferred because 50% of the fat in coconut oil is comprised of the bacteria whooping ingredient lauric acid. Lauric acid is very well known for its antimicrobial actions; it inhibits Strep mutans that are the primary bacteria that cause tooth decay. With that in mind, it should be no surprise that recent studies have shown the benefit of coconut oil in the prevention of tooth decay.”

Along with the natural whitening of the teeth, Dr. Emery explains the other health benefits oilpullingspecific to people with potential heart conditions, digestion, pregnant women etc.

It does not seem like such a bad idea to add oil pulling to your daily regimen of brushing twice a day, flossing, and using Listerine. It seems as though oil pulling just puts a halt to oral hygiene or cavities getting worse.  After all it is all preventative care.

Live Life Smiling at iSmile Orthodontics!


An article written by Brianna Devito states that, image is our expression of beauty and the perceptual experience of pleasure to our senses. Since  beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’ our world is depicted with infinite shades of magnificence. However, this romantic view of beauty is plagued by society’s means of standardization. Like modern society, ancient civilizations were obsessed with beauty, so they configured the golden ratio to characterize this abstract term. This ratio, 1:1.6, is repeatedly found all throughout nature’s beauties. It stresses proportionality, harmony, and rationality, which brilliantly exemplify how we perceive beauty. The perception of beauty “is the relational proportion of our physical features that is the primary factor in determining the conscious or subconscious, of beauty.” (Singla 74) Beauty has evolved into something numerical and tangible, which has lead to a society filled with beauty seekers striving to achieve absolute perfection.

One of the easiest ways to begin this journey is through our smile and our teeth, since “a beautiful smile is an added asset to a beautiful face.” (Singla 76) An aligned, full, bright, and welcoming smile is aesthetically pleasing and increasingly more important to society. Since teeth have become part of the beauty equation, we have paved the way for a specialized dentistry focused on the alignment and occlusion of teeth: orthodontics.


Here at iSmile Orthodontics Best Orthodontics & Dentist | White Plains, Yonkers & NY Area | iSmile ORTHODONTICS we guarantee a beautiful smile.  Contact us and come for a complementary consultation.  Speak with our financial consultant, treatment coordinator, and the doctor.  Get a full evaluation. 


Live Life Smiling at iSmile!



Veneers vs. Braces

braces before after braces underbite teeth smile IMG_3776

In a time when cosmetic dentists are offering a quick “smile makeover,” traditional braces may not even be a thought to consider. Although composite bonding, porcelain veneers, or porcelain crowns offer much shorter treatment time, these procedures are irreversible andPorcelain_Veneers_13 often times involve removing healthy tooth structure on natural teeth to have them appear straighter, wider, longer, or even whiter. What many do not consider though is the significant long-term maintenance of these quick fixes. They chip, break, or even decay.


Simply changing color and shape of a tooth will not address the underlying problem, and may lead to further issues. For example, you are a patient with a cross bite and crooked teeth from slight crowding. You decide that braces take too long and are too ugly, so you get veneers for $900-$2,500 per tooth. Uh-oh…your cross bite was never corrected, Crossbite-Requiring-Palatal-Expanderso it is putting so much pressure on the right side of your jaw that your veneers break from the stress. Now, your only option in this situation is to replace each damaged veneer…at full price.

When shopping around for doctors and researching different procedures that can be done to fix your smile, keep in mind that orthodontic treatment is the most effective method of tooth re-positioning without aggressive dentistry. It is also a less expensive long-term maintenance plan because it avoids re-fabricating failing restorations, will straighten teeth, and improve facial profile and lip support. Don’t be penny wise but dollar foolish when it comes to your smile. Demand the best, and receive the best treatment available to you!

Take advantage of our complementary consultations at iSmile Orthodontics. 



How much do you really know about your mouth?


Here are some Myths and Facts that may be a fun read!

myth or fact

Let’s learn! Here we go!

Dental Myth: The only cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene (poor brushing and flossing).

Dental Fact: The majority of bad breath is caused by poor brushing and flossing, which leads to gum disease. Other causes of bad breath include smoking, certain foods and large dental infections or abscesses.


Dental Myth: When your gums bleed, it is best not to brush or floss your teeth.

Dental Fact: Gingivitis or bleeding gums are a sign that your gums are not healthy. Inflammation of the gums occurs from plaque and debris accumulating around the teeth, especially in the pocket or sulcus of gum tissue around the tooth. When the pocket is clean and there is no plaque around the teeth, the gum tissue will start to heal and stop bleeding. Daily brushing and flossing in conjunction with professional dental cleanings and examinations will keep your gum tissue healthy and prevent bleeding.


Myth: Only the sugar in sweets and desserts are bad for teeth.

Fact: Many foods have natural sugars in them. Both natural and processed sugars can cause tooth decay if they stay on teeth. It is important to limit the amount of sweets you consume and to brush and floss twice a day.


Dental Myth: Brushing with salt will whiten teeth.

Dental Fact: Brushing with salt will not whiten teeth. It will cut the gums and rub away the outer layer of the tooth because it is so abrasive. Your teeth may look whiter, but they will be damaged and are likely to need repair.


Dental Myth: If a patient is not having any dental pain, regular dental visits are not necessary.

Dental Fact: Routine visits for professional cleanings and examinations to check for dental problems are necessary.Finding and treating dental problems when they are small is a more comfortable and less expensive way to take care of your dental health.


Dental Myth: During pregnancy, all dental procedures must be avoided.

Dental Fact: Professional dental cleanings can be performed at any point during pregnancy. However, routine x-rays should be avoided. Emergency dental care can be performed at any time with physician clearance.


Dental Myth: There is no need to brush baby teeth.

Dental Fact:  Even though all of your child’s baby teeth will eventually be lost, they still need to be brushed and flossed daily. This brushing and flossing is important to establish good habits early in life. Daily brushing and flossing also helps prevent cavities or tooth decay. Cavities in baby teeth can affect the development of the permanent teeth. Cavities in baby teeth need to be treated with fillings, root canals, and even crowns.


Dental Myth: Hard and soft bristled toothbrushes are the same.

Dental Fact: Soft bristled toothbrushes are preferred as they get teeth clean and do not damage the teeth or the gums. Hard bristled toothbrushes can cause gum tissue to shrink away and can wear away tooth structure. 


iSmile Orthodontics in White Plains and Yonkers is more that ecstatic to provide these dental myth busters! Contact us about orthodontic treatment for your children, friends or even yourself or even, ask about Invisalign!




The American Association of Orthodontists recommends a child first be seen by an orthodontist as early as age 7; earlier if a problem is discovered by a parent or family dentist. Many orthodontic problems are easier to correct if treated prior to the completion of growth. Early treatment may prevent the need for extraction of permanent teeth, surgery and other serious corrections later in life. Early treatment helps to make room for the permanent teeth to come in properly. However, owing to the complex nature of orthodontics, early treatment may not be right for every child. Only after a clinical examination of your child can the proper treatment plan be determined.

By the age of 7, the first adult molars erupt, establishing the back bite. During this time, an orthodontist can evaluate front-to-back and side-to-side tooth relationships. For example, the presence of erupting incisors can indicate possible overbite, open bite, crowding or gummy smiles. Timely screening increases the chances for an incredible smile. Early orthodontic treatment varies between patients, but may include removable or fixed appliances that can provide more room for crowded, erupting teeth; preserve space for unerupted teeth; create facial symmetry through manipulating jaw growth; and reduce overall treatment time in braces. When orthodontic intervention is not necessary, an orthodontist can carefully monitor growth and development and begin treatment when it is ideal.

Does your child suck his or her thumb or fingers? Sucking is a natural reflex. Infants, babies and young children use thumbs, fingers, pacifiers and other objects on which to suck. It makes them feel secure and happy and provides a sense of security at difficult periods. Since thumb sucking is relaxing, it may induce sleep. Thumb sucking that persists beyond the eruption of the permanent teeth can cause problems with the proper growth of the mouth and tooth alignment. Children should stop thumb sucking by the time their permanent front teeth are ready to erupt. Usually, children stop between the ages of two and four. Peer pressure causes many school-aged children to stop. An orthodontist can also help you and your child to create a program that will empower your child and motivate them to stop their habit.

Adult Orthodontic Treatment:

Orthodontic treatment is not just for children! The goal of orthodontic treatment is a good bite—meaning straight teeth that mesh well with the teeth in the opposite jaw. Improving the health of your teeth and gums is equally important. Crooked teeth and a bad bite can contribute to gum and bone loss, tooth decay, abnormal wear of the tooth enamel and surfaces, headaches and jaw joint (TMJ/TMD) pain. Orthodontic treatment at later stages in life can dramatically improve your personal appearance and self-esteem. A healthy bite is as important at age 60 as it is at age 16! Advances in orthodontic techniques and appliances have made treatment more comfortable, with greatly reduced discomfort levels and a decreased frequency of visits. A variety of orthodontic appliances are available today, including traditional metal braces, tooth colored braces, braces that go behind the teeth, and clear aligners. Be sure to speak with an orthodontist about the best way to achieve your treatment goals. You will soon be on your way to improving your best asset—your smile!!


Summer is Here!

summersandIts here and it is time to have some fun!

What does summer mean? No school, fun, pool parties and, our favorite, BBQ’s!  Those BBQ’s can be fun for our stomach, but bad for our brackets.  We already know, now that Halloween has passed, that sticky sugary things can break our brackets.  However, chewycookout things can as well.  That means, burgers, hot dogs, steaks, rubs, corn on the cob, all these tasty foods can not only break a bracket but, a few brackets at a time!

Be mindful of those awesome foods.  Also, it is imperative to take a quick break from your summer fun and spend 20 minutes at iSmile Orthodontics in White Plains or Yonkers for your appointment.

Breaking a bracket can set you and your perfect smile a month or two back.  This means MORE TIMES IN BRACES!  Once you notice that your bracket is broken, contact us so that we are able to accommodate your time as best we can!

With more food comes more brushing!  During these summer BBQ’s its important to improve your brushing techniques.  If your teeth look like the photo below, let us work harder together to stop plaque from building up, making your teeth yellow, and breaking the brackets off.   How?! Better brushing and more flossing!

Remember, your teeth want to be clean and move better and faster that way!not brushing

Happy Summer!



It’s your first visit to our office and you just can’t wait to know when you’re ready to get braces put on. When sitting with our Orthodontist for your consultation, you may hear the word “malocclusion” and think “English please?” but this word literally means “bad bite.” With a bad bite, there is a problem in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together. Pressure from a bad bite can cause a disorder of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) which may cause clicking and popping in the jaw, a tired feeling in the face, head and neck aches, dizziness, and even nausea. Many times this skeletal disharmony is inherited, especially when it comes to abnormal jaw growth that can cause an under bite, cross bite, or deep bite. There are also many bad habits that can cause malocclusion. For instance, thumb or finger-sucking, pacifier use beyond age 3, and prolonged use of a bottle are a few things that cause an open bite in a patient. Some other causes of malocclusion include too much or too little room in the jaw, extra/growing/impacted/abnormally shaped teeth. To correct these issues, a patient may require dental extractions and growth modification which will require a patient to use fixed or functional appliances during the day and night to move the jaw into a better position. Not only will orthodontic treatment leave you looking your best, straight teeth can improve how you bite, chew, and speak. Don’t continue suffering from the pain of your malocclusion! The Orthodontists in our White Plains and Yonkers office can devise the perfect treatment plan to fix that bad bite of yours!